Sunday, May 24, 2009

Wild Edibles Hunt: Early Season

We were convinced this was miners lettuce, but upon further investigation, we discovered that it wasn't. However, we are still investigating to see if we will consider it food.

Young Cattail sprouts. The base of the stalk is very tender and makes a nice addition to ANY salad.

We weren't sure if this was edible or not. So we harvested the bad boy, brought it home and Carlie took a nibble. She felt a little loopy for the next four to five hours so we decided to throw it out... no, she didn't really try it. For now it remains unidentified but in case you can't tell, it is a type of wooded mushroom.

1 comment:

  1. Oh phew, thought it was a bear doodie.

    So rad that you guys are foraging, Clay will be so jealous. Has he told about the book he's been reading, Stalking the Wild Asparagus? He loves it. Oh, another good book if you want to get excited about finding your own wild food is Michael Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma. All his books are really enjoyable reads.
    Next post you should show us a meal made out of all this wild food!
    Miss you guys!
